Thursday, October 27, 2016

1st quarter reflections

I can't believe we've reached the end of first 1st quarter! These past 2 months in school were amazing, it made me see things and the world around me differently. I learned many things this first quarter, one of things I learned is how to write a blog. I learned to write a blog using the T.I.Q.A method. The T is topic sentence, the I is introduce, the Q is quote, and The A is analyze. When I first started to learn this method I was very confused, but as days went on I got better at it. We started the blogs on August and now it's October, I've gotten way better at the blogs and at following the T.I.Q.A method. The T.I.Q.A method helps a lot because you don't get confused using it and because it tells you what to do step by step.

First quarter (In ELA class) I have learned lots about the world we live in. I have learned that every experience and every moment in life should be valued so much because everything we experience may never happen again. Everything I learn or experience I kind of value it more than ever before because now that I'm actually trying I like things more. I want to learn more and ELA class is very fun because we learn things in different types of ways. The way we learn in ELA is very fun because sometimes we do partner work or sometimes individual work. It's all fun!

My goals for next 3 quarters in ELA class is to study more for my vocabulary test. I want to study more to get better grades so I can pass 8th grade. I would also like to learn more about annotating because some of the articles we read are really fun to read and if it's fun that means we'll like which means that we'll have fun but also do our work at the same time. I'd also like to pay attention more so I won't always be off task and so I can just get to work so I won't have homework. One of my other goals is to get a good grade in ELA and every other class. I will accomplish that by studying, paying attention, doing good quality work, and taking more time on my homework so I can get a better grade.

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