Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quarter two

Out of all the books that I have read this quarter my favorite one is Ever lost. The book is about these two families that crashed their cars into each other and their kids flew out the window and into a forest. In that forest they met a boy that has been living there since he was very young. Since no one else was there with him he never used his name and after a while he forgot it and never remembered it again.

I think that I made the biggest improvement in vocabulary. I say this because even though it was the last day of quarter two I got a good grade on my vocabulary test. I only had a negative three points and before I've had negative ten or eight. I think I have improved because of the studying I have done at home. If you're having trouble on your vocabulary quizzes I highly suggest you study more to get the grade you're looking for.

The hardest part for me in quarter two was the vocabulary quizzes. No matter how much I studied them I would never get a good grade. The main reason I think it was hard for me to get a good grade was because I only studied alone and when you study with multiple people they can test you on the words. So if you have trouble by yourself try studying with more than one person.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Book Talk

I am reading "Wonder" by R J Palacio, a fiction book.

     The story mainly takes place in two different places. One is in the character's house and at school. The main character in the book that I'm reading is August. August was born with a disability, and looks very different than the other kids. Nobody talks to August because of the way he looks and because he's different from them. August is described as scary looking, so far in the book there hasn't been a solution to this problem yet but the problem is August's disability. If it weren't for this, he would have a normal life just like every other kid does too. The whole mood or theme changes in the story. I mainly find it sad because no body talks to August just because of the way he looks or his disability, everyone is the same no matter what. The theme of this text/story is not to judge someone by how they look, people are judging August because of how he looks/disability, and they even called scary looking which is worse. People just judge by appearance not by who you are.

I like this book because it gets you wanting to read more of it. In every chapter the author gives everybody's point of view. The point of views he gives are from, August, his classmates, family, and more. With the author doing that you can see how everybody feels while this problem is going on. I recommend some people to read this book because it is honestly read good.