Saturday, February 11, 2017

Holocaust Restriction

What I learned was that the Nazi's restricted many things from the Jews. Jews slowly became poor because of how much restrictions they had put on them. Poor was how Nazi's wanted to see Jews and Hitler made sure of it. They would take their homes, furniture, family, and money. Many people would be sent to concentration camps, many were killed or tortured. A concentration camp is a camp where they send kids and adults and their they torture them and they live in very bad conditions. There is up to 3 people in one single bed and the beds are like bunk beds. There is no mattress just wood.

I think the monument was built to show people or to teach people how or what those people were facing back at that time. Most likely to honor those people that fought for what was right and not wrong. People were dying and being harmed each day and those that fought for the right things are the heros they are honoring. Standing up for what's right at that time was hard because if people didn't let Nazi's do what they wanted to or refused to do what they were told to they got beat or tortured.

What I noticed about the number of laws passed in certain years is that some were irrelevant. What I mean by that is that it some laws made no sense at all. Jews were even restricted from having pets, buying bread, and going out after 8pm. Like what kind of laws are those? People have the freedom to anything want and they shouldn't be taken away because of their culture,religion, or race. Nazi's made it so hard for Jews to get what they wanted in life and the laws were just unnecessary. Nazi's just wanted money but that's not the way they should have done it. They could have talked it out but since Hitler was full of hate is way of talking was violence.

I think the hardest restriction was Jews not being able to graduate. If Jews weren't allowed to graduate that means they can't go to college to get a better education. Without education they can't find good jobs and since Nazi’s were taking away things from Jews, those Jews that at least had good jobs had good money meaning they can still support themselves pretty well. Since their homes were getting taken away most Jews couldn't do anything. The ones with money had the chance to move to another country but the ones with little money couldn't. This is why the education for those that weren't able to graduate was very important. Nazi’s took away their permissions away very slowly and they restricted so much that Jews were poor afterwards. They weren't able to do anything for a long amount of time. Jews of course were very frustrated because they were powerless while Nazi's had all their money. All those kids that were supposed to graduate didn't because of Nazi's they and those kids could have gotten jobs and probably even found out ways of how to get money even Nazi's took some away. The education for these people was important but thanks to Nazi's they had no future.

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