In 3rd quarter, I had the chance to read Night by Elie Wiesel. It was a really good book to read, I learned a lot from it. I would say this is my favorite book that I read this quarter because I feel like I had the chance to learn more about a very serious topic that happened. The Holocaust is something I knew nothing about, but after reading it I really learned a lot about what was going on during the time of the Holocaust. It was really interesting to learn about it but it was very sad because of all the tragic events that happened.
In English Language Arts, I think I made my biggest improvements on just staying on task more. At the start of the year I would get distracted easily and wouldn’t care because I didn't really want to do anything. Thanks to my teacher Mrs.Larson I was actually able to get back on track. If it wasn’t for her caring about how I did in school/ her class, I wouldn’t have got this far.
This quarter, I have accomplished my knowledge on the Holocaust. Before this quarter, I knew nothing about the Holocaust or what it was, but having the chance to go to the Holocaust museum, create a butterfly about the topic, read the book Night, and study this topic, I was able to understand what happened during this time in history. We spent a lot of time in class learning about this, and I enjoyed it because I love learning about the past and what happened. I'm just so glad I got the experience to see how lives were during this time.
The most challenging part of 3rd quarter for me was the vocabulary tests. In the beginning of the year, I got excellent grades, but I think I’ve been slacking on my tests and haven't been studying as much as I should be. To improve my test scores, I can find more time to study for a while maybe every day or every other day to get better grades.